Never The End
After 10 years later, Doraemon leave from Nobita's house, go back to 22st century. Another way, Nobita is grow up and has married with Shizuka. Shizuka instead Doraemon accompany with Nobita, let him does not feel lonely.
" Mum, I won't get 0 mark any more!! " Nobita is yelled.
" Dear, what's wrong? " Shizuka said.
Suddenly, Nobita wake up from the dream. Shortness of breath, sweating profusely, does not wear glasses he looked Shizuka's face vaguely. He thinks about the person who is standing in front of him is his scared mother, and he moved afew steps backward. Then, Shizuka hurry to find out Nobita's glasses and bring it to him. At this time, Nobita is clearly to see Shizuka is tending in front of him.
" Sorry, Shizuka. I dream myh mum chases me again. " said by Nobita.
" Honey, it's alright now. Don't worry about that" Shizuka tries to pacify Nobita.
" We have to meet up Suneo and Takeshi today, so please go to wash your face and get change quickly." Shizuka requested.
" Oh, I totally forgot about the meeting. " Nobita just wondering and slowly walked to the bathroom.
After one hour, Nobita and Shizuka walk out from home to the street direction. When they did not go far, suddenly Dorami appeared in front of them from dokodemo doa. Nobita and Shizuka were surprised to see their old friend appears in front of them.
" Haven't seen you for long time, Dorami! Why do you appear on here? We are going to meet up Suneo and Takeshi, should we go together?" Nobita asked.
" Sorry, not at the moment, Nobita. Actually I have something very urgent to find you."
" What is wrong with you? "
" It's not about me, but about my brother."
" Doraemon? What happen to it? "
" You will get it, just come with me."
Dorami leads Nobita and Shizuka to 22st century through by the dokodemo doa. Few second later, Nobita and Shizuka followed by Dorami arrive the 22st century. When they just arrive, almost entirely surprised. In the 22st century is a world of robots and human life. Their lives and high-tch-ralated. Such as samrt homes, smart appliances, samrt cars, so many high-tech products around them.
" Wow, Terrific! " Sign by Nobita and Shizuka.
Nobita and Shizuka was two completely attracted to the scene, as two primary school studen

" I miss you so much, Doraemon! Why you are sitting there and haven't greeting to us, even I'm here. Wake up, Doraemon! "
" Mew, Mew, Mew.. "
" What's wrong with him? "
" My brother is time to the end..." dorami starts to cry.
" What do you mean by the end? doraemon is a robot, it never finished its life. " shizuka asked
" It's true. my brother and me are robots, if we without batter then we won't move anymore. " dorami tries to explain clearly.
" So you mean doraemon cannot move because it without battery? then why don't you change the battery for it? "
" There is no more battery for us now. We are top robots of the 22st century, so we have our own special battery. However, this kind of battery already stop produced. At the same time, my brother's battery is nearly to finish. If we cannot find another kind of battery, then my brother cannot move again forever." dorami is cryhing.
" Why they stop produce the battery? where we can find out the battery?"
" We cannot find it anywhere, the master who is inventing batter is dead, that's why I feel hopeless"
After hearing dorami said, nobita suddenly felt loss, grief and fear. He is very reluctant to lose this once accompanied him and to help his family for 10 years. However what he can do? He blames him selves, why he didn't try to study hard when he ws little. If he did, he might be able to also invent the battery for Doraemon.
" Honey, would you like to try work hard now? I will help you and support you anyway! " said by Shizuka.
" Do you think it's too late for me ? "
" No, defentely won't be to late for you if you really really want to help Doraemon."
" You're right. I want to rescue Doraemon, rescue one of my family member! "
Finally, Nobita makes his big decision which is go back to study again when he was 22 years old. In addition, Dorami lends her magic tool is called jikan baagu to Nobita. Let the true time delay, so Nobita will get more time to study.
5 years of true time is equal to 20 years of virtual time, because of the jikan baagu. Therefore, Nobita spend his 10 years true time to finish his course. Now he is 32 years old, but he becomes a doctor of Scientist. Finally, he invents a new modern of battery to Doraemon.
" I can do it, finally I have done it!!! " Nobita feels greatful with yelled.
" Yeah, it is great!!! " Shizuka and Dorami are happy to embrace together.
" Let's try it's work or not! "
Nobita put the battery into Doraemo's stomach carefully, and quietly to wait for Doraemon wake up.....
" Oh my god, finally it wake up. " Dorami feels excited to say that.
Doraemon open his eye slowly, the first person it saw he is Nobita.
" Nobita? Why you are here? "
" Welcome back, Doraemon! " Nobita starts to cry.

nice one :)